thu. dec 05 2024
hebbel am ufer

K.Ernst / M.Breyer / ATELIER-E: Polylog
Live drum performance with cinematic video projections and live AI engineering
8pm, HAU Hebbel am Ufer (HAU3)
Tempelhofer Ufer 10, 10963 Berlin

afterwards: Set It Off! Premiere Party at WAU!

“Polylog” is a complex experimental arrangement of sound, image and AI. A live performance on drums and film projections interact using state-of-the-art technology. Katharina Ernst plays all levels of this multimedia space like a polyrhythmic instrument. The high-contrast visual language of Michael Breyer’s video works refers to the aesthetics of analogue large-format photography, which is placed in a new context by the performative setting. For “Polylog”, the Berlin studio ATELIER-E, consisting of Christian Losert and Daniel Dalfovo, develops a customised real-time system that analyses the artist’s performance using AI and creating a dynamic interaction between the live performance and the image/sound level. As a media ensemble, music, performance and visual language become equal players.

Composition, drums: Katharina Ernst
Video, photography: Michael Breyer
Creative Coding, AV-Realtime-System: ATELIER-E

link: Katharina Ernst , Michael Breyer , ATELIER-E
event-link: HAU Programm
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